Sunday, January 2, 2011

The art of waiting: a rant

Beware: this is just a rant. Seems like there has been an increase on the amount of people who think it's perfectly fine to waste somebody's time and money. And even worse, not even feeling the least amount of remorse. Two days ago, I spent an hour waiting, since I had an appointment with a potential customer. Not that I didn't enjoy good reading while I waited, but the gas I used to get there and back, the time I spent getting materials ready, putting pricelists, samples, albums together, the time and even more important, I left my family on a weekend, to accommodate her schedule. You would think she would have called. or emailed. Well, I'm still waiting to hear from her, two days after the date. Just a couple days before her, when I actually spend money building a set for a boudoir photo shoot, hauling raw materials into my studio, getting plants from the lake freezing temperatures, kept in touch and timely followed up with her, She cancels, five minutes AFTER the time of the shoot.

Is it asking too much to respect people's time and effort towards work?

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