Sunday, July 12, 2009

Misty and Randy's Wedding

Well, It was a long day, drove all the way to Wichita to photograph Misty and Randy's wedding, but boy, I gotta say it was totally awesome. These guys are so cool, and Michelle and I had a ball. We knew the weather was going to be against us, and it sure was. Hot, humid, sunny. A photographer's nightmare. Things got a tad hectic, but we managed to improvise and I think it worked really well.

As a side note, it's always prudent to steer away from other photographers working in the same area (and their brides). They seem to get pretty territorial :)
On this one, we just got silly, and will include it as a bonus track (for Randy) in the album.
And it was easy to get too. You tell a bride to get a sexy look and she knows exactly what to do. I think it's genetics.

The couple was staying at the Marriott downtown Wichita. The hotel's management was kind enough to let us wander and use their facilities for some really nice pictures, like this.
It was interesting to me how for the pictures I liked the most, we used a very simple set up, no flash, and one lens only. Natural light is the best.

You can tell how much Misty likes to dance on this one. Randy was really having a good time taking pictures of his bride.
