About six and a half hours to be exact. that's what this professionals, models, make up artists, hair designers, wardrobe and attire people, photographers (well, some photographers) and other support staff invested in time before the event. Gee, I knew it was hard (I've seen the devil wears Prada!) but I didn't know models had to spend 6-7 hours previous to the event!
it's hard work, no doubt.
It's a whole different world too. People are just so different. interactions are different, attitudes, the way we all behave. we have a job and we got to get it done. plain and simple. So, I was supposed to do candid pictures. and I did. but of course, I also did more. I'' be posting more as I get my computer to cooperate.

I was talking to Jim, He's a photographer friend. I decided him and I have a very different take on things. Jim set a mini-studio set in the same event and did portraits of the models. He had the models come to HIM and ask HIM to take their pictures. I, on the other hand, was chasing models, putting up with their crankiness and had to actually carry a bunch of lenses, batteries, flashes and other stuff for hours, change my settings every time, and move light stands move, got stuck in stairs, under the clothing racks and so on... why? I don't know. Jim asked me, "so, would you be able to take portraits against a backdrop to 500 models?" I immediately said heck no! That's it. Jim plans his set, takes his time and gets pretty consistent results. I'm not like that. I play with the light. I play with the angles, I chase people. and I'm not that charming...therefore, models would never come to me.

This is was I'm
talking about. without the strobe in the back, this would've been a plain point and shoot image. Now it has volume, texture, a certain halo that makes it work. well, just to get that light in the back, I had to haul my clamp, remote control, flash, and
climb to the stage, clamp it to a pipe, then come running back and pray Gabriel wasn't done applying hairspray to the model. Luckily, he wasn't.